Selasa, 07 April 2009



The Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad was last night welcomed to the city of Glasgow by the Lord Provost, Councillor Robert Winter. In honour of His Holiness visiting the city, a Civic Reception was held at the beautiful City Chambers located in the heart of Glasgow city centre. The Chambers were opened in 1888 by Queen Victoria.The event was attended by over 200 guests including numerous politicians and localdignitaries.

Upon arrival at the Chambers, His Holiness was welcomed by the Lord Provost. During a
meeting in his office, Councillor Winter spoke about how the region had always
maintained a distinguished position in developing politicians who were influential at anational level.Upon invitation His Holiness left a message for the people of Glasgow in the Official Visitors Book in which he congratulated the Lord Provost and the people of Scotland for their ‘community consciousness’ and their ‘open mindedness’.
The Reception itself was held in the Banquet Hall. The Lord Provost used his opening
remarks to welcome His Holiness to Glasgow and also to recognise the contribution made by the local Ahmadiyya community. He said:
“I am delighted to welcome you all. I realise that the presence of Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad in this city makes this occasion very special... Local Ahmadis are extremely valued and respected in Glasgow. We celebrate your commitment to peaceful dialogue.”
Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad used his address to comment upon many topical issues
that are facing the world today including the global financial crisis and misconceptions of Islam in the West.
His Holiness began his address by speaking of his role as the worldwide spiritual leader of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat. He said the purpose of his role was two-fold. Firstly, to lead mankind towards God Almighty and secondly to encourage all peoples to live side by side, discharging each other’s rights fairly and without prejudice.
Commenting upon social issues such as increasing crime rates he said that it was too easy to blame such issues on increased immigration. He said:
“Let it be very clear that this rise is due to being far removed from God and the nonfulfilment of one’s (personal) requirements. That is the cause of this restlessness.”
The removal of such angst could only be done through the development of an equal
society whereby each person respected the rights of their fellow humans and the law at large. Such respect was dependent upon a just society.
His Holiness spoke about how during the recent past the world has developed to such an extent that it was now possible to refer to the entire world as a ‘global village’. Such advances in technology had been prophesised in the Holy Qur’an over 1400 years ago. The world ought to have used such development as a means of fostering mutual relations; however this has not been the case. He said:
“Despite the facilities of communication which should have brought people together,
walls of hatred have been erected and hearts are being distanced from each other.”
Thereafter His Holiness spoke about the current global financial crisis. He said that in Western countries members of the public were becoming disillusioned because
government Defence budgets were ever increasing, yet military interventions were a
major cause of collapsed economies. Individuals throughout the world were feeling the
effects of the economic downturn; many faced unemployment and increased living costs.
His Holiness said that such a downturn could only be arrested through the development of a just system of governance and that for fairness and equity to prevail it was necessary that mankind turned towards God Almighty. He said:
“In summary, what I wish to say is that peace depends on justice, and economic progress depends on peace. This will only happen when man recognises his Creator. And only then will the rights of God’s Creation be discharged.”
Following the address of Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad a number of local politicians and dignitaries took to the stage. Each commented upon the values upheld by local members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat and its longstanding contribution to the local society at large.

End of Release
Further Info: Abid Khan ( (44) 07795490682

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